Laure-Anne Rouhaud, Finance Director, Site Personnel Limited:

"We approached Freelance in 2004 on the advice of our auditor.  As finance director I was looking for a way to successfully manage a full time position in the company alongside a full time position as a wife and mother!  Initially, my daughter was in day care to enable me to commute the 45 minutes to work – not an ideal situation.  Freelance introduced me to Online 50, a version of Sage Line 50 – online!

With their help and guidance I now process all of my accounts online and working from home is becoming a reality not a dream.

With the imminent arrival of my second child, Freelance will be taking over the processing and administrative reins while I am on maternity leave but I can still be involved at any point through the online system.

Finally, with their help, I am beginning to get the work-life balance more to my liking."